SB-17 Hearing – CESE In The News
CESE was mentioned several times during a March 17, 2021 hearing on Senate Bill 17, the Family Income Index Act, sponsored by Mimi Stewart. Here's the clip!
January 2021 Beacon: Calculating NM At-Risk Funding with the CESE Method
The January 2021 Beacon (XXIII, No. 1) is now available! This issue has a president's message from Lisa Durkin, a major article by Kim Johnson on on "A New Way to Calculate NM At-Risk Funding Using the CESE Method: Introducing the Opportunity and Equity Index," and a toon by Thomas.
Read the whole account here.

From Lisa Durkin's introduction to Kim Johnson's article, "It represents the culmination of over 20 years of analytic inquiry into the elements that predict student outcomes, it builds an index of school remediation needs, and it provides an avenue to change the dynamics that plague our state as indicated by the Martinez-Yazzie lawsuit." The article itself explains "The Method offers the potential to identify those schools that are both significantly outperforming and underperforming expectations using a predictive procedure that accounts for schools’ student demographics. As it turns out, this same performance predictive method can be used to identify schools both by name and their degree of “risk” as explained by those demographic factors associated with New Mexico’s educational achievement gap that manifests from kindergarten through 12th grade."
This issue of the Beacon, along with every other issue, can be found on CESE's Beacon Page.